Why Sharks?

Clasper Club

Why Sharks?




"Without sharks, you take away the apex predator of the ocean, and you destroy the entire food chain."
-Peter Benchley (author of Jaws)

Sharks are one of the ocean's apex predators.  Great White Sharks in particular are at the top of most ocean food chains.  Their importance in ocean ecosystems is crucial to the health of surrounding plants, animals, and even humans.  If sharks frequent waters where you swim, be thankful, you're swimming in a healthy ocean!  Many species of sharks face extinction due to overfishing, pollution, and global warming.  These three driving forces have several things in common but one thing binds them together, humans.  Humans have a deep impact on all things ocean.  Without even realzing it, we greatly affect the health and sustainability of our oceans.  Sharks are "on the move" because of many factors such as global warming and movement of their preferred prey.  This movement brings them in closer contact with people not used to their presence.  Research and education of the public are cruical in learning how to coexist.  Raising money and awareness for the research and protection of one of the oceans most important creatures is just one small step we can take to help regain and maintain the health of our world's oceans.